
FeliciaDivine: I am here with one of IMVU’s finest, someone i really respect and admire…MsSlinkySilks.  I like to start from the beginning so….how did you find out about IMVU, what made you come here?
msSlinkySilks: I was first told by a relative, that IMVU existed and that I could make products and turn that into money. She knew i had done game mod works in the past with animations so she was looking out for me. So primarily, I came to IMVU for some income while I was taking community college courses.  I had seen IMVU adds in 2005, and ignored them (especially one of the original bobble-headed jailbait ads. )
FeliciaDivine: wow nice, what games did you do mods for?
msSlinkySilksmsSlinkySilks : games that arent published anymore (WHAAAAAAA)
FeliciaDivine: so you were studying animation very early on, was that also what you were studying in college?
msSlinkySilks: Yes, I was studying animation and film. I wanted to get a diploma to help back up my skills when I went job seeking.
FeliciaDivine : can you do video’s as well?

msSlinkySilks: film classes were bundled into their curriculum and dual-diploma, Yes, I can film, edit, produce things. I loved the Flash animation class the most.  Most of my product thumbnails have been done in Flash.

FeliciaDivine : omg that is so wow

msSlinkySilks: The film edit class was awesome as well: taking raw movie clips, and re-arranging them into a “story.”  Quite a treat when the magic works.

FeliciaDivine: what was your first impressions of imvu…i bet it was like having a whole new world to create?

msSlinkySilks: Ooooooh yes!  There werent alot of people back then. And very VERY view character animators/animatrix . Was really only Whystler and SecondHarvest that I first noticed their products.

FeliciaDivine: what about MocapDancer?  You two have always been the first names i hear when mentioning animation.

msSlinkySilks: MocapDancer wasnt even around yet, for a few more years.

FeliciaDivine: ah good to know.  Well its a great 7 years later, you are still the animator of choice, congratulations on such a long career.

msSlinkySilks: Thank you… but i’m barely known now.  I’m like the celebrity that fades away, but isnt dead and isnt scarred by plastic surgery.

FeliciaDivine: lol, well said

FeliciaDivine: True but your quality is equal to if not better than the studio Mocap.  (Motion Capture)

msSlinkySilks: Well.. if we can tangent a bit, I can talk about motion capture, and performance capture. Ok?

FeliciaDivine: absolutely

msSlinkySilks: We are talking about 2007 technology here.   Motion Capture was still a raw technology that still needed great funds to have.  Animation and Motion Capture houses would rent themselves out to Game and Movie industry on short term contracts.  (I dont even know if “House of Moves” still exists anymore.)  But.. my main skill is “keyframe animation” of characters.  And my self education has lead me back in time to Warner Brothers and Disney cartoon animations.  I still try to follow Disney’s “9 old men” plan of great cartoon performances.

FeliciaDivine: you will have to elaborate on the 9 old men plan…im a animation troglodyte.

msSlinkySilks: The Nine Old Men were the Disney starting staff of animators. And they stayed with them loooooooooong into the 80′ and 90’s. They also were the instructors for Disney’s animation school in California  They taught guys like John Lassiter (Pixar) and Brad Bird (Iron Giant, and pixar’s Incredibles)

FeliciaDivine: wow, small world

msSlinkySilksmsSlinkySilks : yes.. it WAS a small world then

msSlinkySilks: they also taught the lead animator of Jessica Rabbit’s part of Who Framed Roger Rabbit. He went on to write a book, which I own

FeliciaDivine: nice, can you remember the book title?  I might want to read that, i am an avid reader

msSlinkySilks: i just got it off my shelf.  Richard Williams, “The Animator’s Survival Kit”

FeliciaDivine: thank you 🙂

FeliciaDivine: you told us who the 9 men were but what was their plan?

msSlinkySilks:’s_Nine_Old_Men  To Make quality stories 🙂  they worked directly for Walt Disney.

FeliciaDivine: what was their influence on you?

msSlinkySilks: wweeeeeeeeeelll i’m more influenced by Looney Tunes than Disney.  Teehee.  Looney Tunes shaped my humor the most. Those daily cartoons 😀

FeliciaDivine: yes without a great story the animations dont really matter that much.

msSlinkySilks: There was no HBO, when i was young.  Disney did have Wonderful World of Disney on TV, but not always their cartoon features.  So most of the cartoons I saw were the Bugs Bunny/Woody Woodpecker toons.  i’m OLD SCHOOL cartoon fan: I remember that Coyote would die 9 times per episode, before violence was edited out.

FeliciaDivine: lol, i am old school too

FeliciaDivine: i noticed with films and television…the best productions happen when the right mix of talent comes together…not just the actors…it takes the whole crew…Sound editors, Gafs, Carpenters, Producers, Directors as well

msSlinkySilks: Yes… it’s team collaboration. I recommend any documented tour film of Pixar if you wanna see TEAM stuff done, in a co-laborative way.

msSlinkySilks: Rotoscope predates Motion Capture. Basically the innovators though “how can we capture natural motion for digital character?”

msSlinkySilks: ideas can take on life of there own. If i can quote “Ghost in the Shell” movie “if man sees (possibles) he achieves it.. like it’s damned near instinctive”

msSlinkySilks: now.. early motion capture of 2005+ … the fingers couldn’t be tracked, and the data was pretty raw sometimes. Enters the keyframe animator. Making those fingers move, make the facial expressions work. I point out original Gollum in the Lord of the Rings Trilogy. His body was mocapped… and his fingers and face aaaaaaall done later, with the filming references of Andy Serkis

FeliciaDivine: ok, wait…you use technical terms…mocapped??

msSlinkySilks: Also.. monsters cannot always be mocapped? How do you mocap a 6 armed squid? ((yes, i still have a job.. mocap wont replace me))

msSlinkySilks: Motion Capture = (Mo)tion (Cap)ture

msSlinkySilks: MoCap for short

FeliciaDivine: (facepalms) thank you

msSlinkySilks: and they we verb-it … “i was mocapped by evil scientists…”

FeliciaDivine: lol

FeliciaDivine: so this applies directly to what you do?

msSlinkySilks: yes

msSlinkySilks: and explains how i’ve faded off. Motion Capture is faster, cheaper, less labor intensive.

FeliciaDivine: you have to constantly be aware of new technology it seems…always learning and growing

msSlinkySilks: In 2010-11, I made a dance.. a segment of a whole dance video … Took me 3 weeks. MocapDancer does it in 3days

msSlinkySilks: and those were 12-14 hour days, no days off for me in 3 weeks

FeliciaDivine: yes it definately pays to have a team behind you

msSlinkySilks: YEP

msSlinkySilks: at minimum.. to fetch me fresh coffee and draw a bath for me … and feed the cat when i’m so focused

msSlinkySilks: since i mentioned that dance. I did a process now called “Match Moving”.  I matched motions to a video file to make avatar dance

FeliciaDivine: but still your talent shows, your new animated walks much like your older animations are well thought out, they take time to do, but the quality is stunning

msSlinkySilks: thank you.. hand-made walks.  If i just had a cheap treadmill, i’d motion capture myself with amateur gear, and it would have been faster.   But i still have to hand make the turns… or stitch files of “captures” together like movie-editing.  And after that i would animate the fingers and the facial expressions.

msSlinkySilks: ((checks the boredom gauge))

FeliciaDivine: i am so grateful you took the time for the new model walks, they are more realistic, more complex and fun…and you took the time to talk with some of us to get speed and styles of turns and motions, you show you care about the public when you do this, thank you

msSlinkySilks: yes, i DO care about the end-user of my products.

msSlinkySilks: it’s a co-operative thing. I make them, people use them. They arent gonna buy what I make if it’s not good enough. I cant make what they cannot describe verbally/written.

msSlinkySilks: but co-operating can lead to a synergy… that feeling of new creation has it’s own life.

FeliciaDivine: oops we are fast moving into the present with our questions but there are 2 questions i have regarding the past…can you talk about some of your early animations…how they came about and what some of them were?

msSlinkySilks: SURE.

msSlinkySilks: First off … i HAVE used motion capture data in the past. My first hits were from open source files of motion. What I had to do was then adapt the motion to the avatars. Back then, even wrist motions couldnt be captured. Hands just looked like spatulas and would carve into the body.

FeliciaDivine: lol i heard about that

msSlinkySilks: that all needed re-editing. Then adding finger moves when needed, and some face expressions too.

FeliciaDivine: was hands and fingers the hardest, i hear on all sites that is hard?

msSlinkySilks: Finger animations just take extra concentration. 3 bones per finger, 5 fingers, two hands. 30 bones.  add the “hand” bone itself.. that’s 32.

msSlinkySilks: It’s funny when users have messaged me “hey, this person stole your work” . Turns out the other product was the same open-source motions I did, and didnt change a single frame.

FeliciaDivine: at least they cared enough to contact you but yes with only so many file types its going to happen, even two people with the same idea.

msSlinkySilks: oh i’ve had people warning me of thefts in all my years on IMVU.  some were real asset thefts, some were someone working with the same open source files I had.

FeliciaDivine: and you say your forgotten pfffftttt :p

msSlinkySilks: but… I had to branch out from open-source files, and show my keyframing-only talents too. I think I have done that.  I’m also a mesher too (mesh = the creating of a physical object for 3d environment) and texturing (painting objects)

FeliciaDivine: i always ask this question…are there some people back then who you worked with or you admired you would like to mention?

msSlinkySilks: Sure.. that’s how I meet MsPixelicous. She was one of the first “lingerie makers” on IMVU, and she loved my model walks of 2007.

FeliciaDivine: i love PIX

msSlinkySilks: there there was DeliveranceNow i worked with. She was making the meshes of dresses that better shaped the avatars. And Pix was deriving from her dresses. (i’m wearing a Deliverance derive)

FeliciaDivine: We mentioned teamwork earlier…who did you enjoy working with…i have a few who mentioned they love you…KrystalSkye70 is one and i know Tidy used your animations, i adore both of them

msSlinkySilks: sadly, I didnt get to meet and talk with SecondHarvest, Whystler, and Keef.  Back then, there were no “public rooms” so had to invite people individually

FeliciaDivine: oh Keef is still here i’ll introduce you

MSlinkySilks: oh i’ve since met Keef

FeliciaDivine: oh ok 🙂

msSlinkySilks: i’m talking year 2007-8

msSlinkySilks: The year i got out of college courses and turned to IMVU full time

FeliciaDivine: i joined the internet in 2007 and imvu Jan 2011

FeliciaDivine: oh, the teamwork question…We mentioned teamwork earlier…who did you enjoy working with…i have a few who mentioned they love you…KrystalSkye70 is one and i know Tidy used your animations

msSlinkySilks: Yea… my first collaborators were actually my best IRL friend and her husband.

FeliciaDivine: oh?

msSlinkySilks: and we still get together and plot out ideas over coffee. (very fun chats)

FeliciaDivine: lol, thats great 🙂

msSlinkySilks: I’d had Kiltar the project of doing meshes, and I’d do the animations + adapt to IMVU. We were both taking the same 3d courses to.

msSlinkySilks: so she’d whip them up and I’d put them in. One of the best products of that was “Albear the Chair Bear” and “Bearnard, the pet”

msSlinkySilks: I didnt meet Tidy until I needed to start selling my credits for money

msSlinkySilks: and Krytal was after that +1-2 years

msSlinkySilks: I Like mesh specialists like Tidy and Krystal: they can do their thing, and I can focus on my end of things… and make a fine sellable item.  yes, i can do the whole thing myself, but takes looooooonger, and doesnt have the synergy of combined ideas.

FeliciaDivine: getting more to the present…you are involved with some bdsm groups…and MsPixelicous also makes wonderful latex…when i hear her name, your name comes up…would you like to comment on your relationship with MsPix, LadyMelissaRedRaven and tell us a bit how you feel about the world of bdsm?

msSlinkySilks: well MsPix and I seem to share same kinks and dramatic sides of sensualities of being women. Dressing up and presentation. 🙂

msSlinkySilks: so it was easy to make a friendship on common themes. 🙂

msSlinkySilks: as far as BDSM .. i’m gonna make an answer that might be a non-commital cop-out. I’ve found that the more intelligent people are, the more their ideas drift away from mainstream. BDSM is a very very cerebral thing. In being in chatrooms faaaaaar earlier than IMVU, the smarter people are the more kinky.. and the more kinky USUALLY are the more intelligent. At minimum, they are the most self-expressive of thoughts and ideas. When we deal with words, we are dealing with the Mind.

FeliciaDivine: sounds like something hugh hefner would say..well put

msSlinkySilks: ROFL

msSlinkySilks: he prolly did, even with me using my own words

msSlinkySilks: but he’s a good example of such things.

FeliciaDivine: can you share with us…what is your favorite thing you created and why?

msSlinkySilks: oh gez

msSlinkySilks: hmmms

msSlinkySilks: Albear and Bearnard have special places in my heart.

FeliciaDivine: they were the most fun to create? 🙂

msSlinkySilks: well.. my friend and I were having a blast making it. Then when it started catching on into derives, it was wonderful to learn that other people loved them too. (I was very anti-derivation back then)

msSlinkySilks: but credit also needs go to Kiltar, ViolentKrumble (now deceased) and MorbiStrange (off IMVU for good) …cause they mostly were the motivated ones , bopping me on the head to try and make it.

FeliciaDivine: so many great people gone, im glad you shared that, its good to remember

msSlinkySilks: the BDSM stuff is more of present day.. 3+ years

msSlinkySilks: i’m a late bloomer, and a bit of a chicken.

FeliciaDivine: lol

msSlinkySilks: if you wanna throw this out to readers…. Living in FEAR, you’ll bloom late. Creatively, socially, economically, if you foster fear in yourself, you wont move forward on your dreams.  I you are “scared what others think” , you wont go far .. or you’ll have a circle of phony friends just giving you lip service.

FeliciaDivine: we are in the middle of the interview so im going ask you my dangerous question now…what do you think about imvu now and what changes would you like to see happen on imvu?

msSlinkySilks: Yep.. it is a dangerous question, and actually a little broad. Can you break “think of imvu” into sub-sets?

FeliciaDivine: compared to the old days, you have seen a lot of changes both good and bad, how do you think IMVU is now?

msSlinkySilks: I think IMVU is a very solvent company and wont really vanish in a Doom of the Ages event. They gain their funds and profits from selling advertisement space on their website.

sSlinkySilks: if the reader is a person who thinks IMVU makes money with VIP, and Token Sales and selling Credits… that’s fallacious… that’s 10% of income.

msSlinkySilks: per-day sales? prolly pays for the night-crew to clean the office when employees have gone home

FeliciaDivine: lol nice way to put it, and inciteful

msSlinkySilks: well.. it’s a permissive economy for developers (used to be recognized as Content Creators, by title and standing).IMVU permits people to make content, paid with credits, and permits Credit Resellers to exist for creators to sell credits into real cash.

FeliciaDivine: back to the second part of that question…what changes would you like to see on IMVU

FeliciaDivine: many changes come from member suggestions

msSlinkySilks: OK

msSlinkySilks: changes? bullet point time.. in no particular order, but 1st is BIG

FeliciaDivine: oh oh i opened the floodgates…go for it 🙂

msSlinkySilks: 1. Recode the IMVU login process to prevent hackers from gaining access to accounts. This is HOW content is stole from creators and then republished by the “product thieves”

msSlinkySilks: i recommend a 2nd PIN number. (Game companies have this … if IP doesnt match prior log-ins.. PIN code is prompted for entry )

msSlinkySilks: 2. Encode the creation data that is stored client-side . (that means what is saved on computers.)

msSlinkySilks: 3. Employees should USE imvu , to see what it’s like . An 8 hour attempt to use the software would teach faster than user-feedback

FeliciaDivine: most employees do use IMVU, i have several on my fl

msSlinkySilks: oh kewl

msSlinkySilks: not mods, right?

FeliciaDivine: Staff and Mods

msSlinkySilks: i mean the real CODER department…the people in the guts.

msSlinkySilks: 4. Upgrade the rendering engine of IMVU… even if it means IMVU 3.0. …specifically needs of new rendering engine_ one that would let “transparency” keep working thru layers of itself. This would avoid a glass wall stripping clothing off people. That’s what i’ve called Instant AP.  The terminology is “render depth” for transparency.  …it would jive with parental groups and religious groups to not let kids see what shouldnt be seen.

FeliciaDivine: yes i mean payroll, customer service, PR and even Brett the CEO is here on IMVU. KatieMarie and Varsha are the best known

msSlinkySilks: and i’ll stop with 5. Develop a community attitude inside corporate that reflects more reality of how users use IMVU, and not their “wishes of a better world”

msSlinkySilks : basically.. take users seriously

msSlinkySilks: without Creators, there is nothing in catalog to buy… without fresh content, nobody stays and uses IMVU (present count is 75k users online, when it used to be over 100k)

msSlinkySilks: nobody using imvu… advertisers stop paying money for a site that isnt used

FeliciaDivine: all very good points with suggestions…

FeliciaDivine: What are you hoping to do in the future, where would you like to take your career next?

FeliciaDivine: What can the world expect from MsSlinkySilks?

msSlinkySilks: i’d like to roll back to “Current state of IMVU” . Over that last years, I have observed IMVU’s outlook on business and marketing actually marginalizes what people, the users, find of value to themselves. Marketing, in my view, is bending minds and wills to accept what is being presented. (entertaining commercials, re-publishing websites to look like Facebook and Twitter, etc etc)

msSlinkySilks: People have been marching away from IMVU, with their feet and selves, consistently over last few years. They hop over to SecondLife, or just leave and not return.

FeliciaDivine: i have noticed that, there is only so much people can take…if changes are not to our benefit…why stay?

msSlinkySilks: yeps

msSlinkySilks: .. that would lead back to my own future plans. I’ve always done things in spite of IMVU doctrines. I’ll continue to make things I like and find worthwhile. Maybe i’m out of step what the users find “hip” or “with the times”. But i’m also trying to satisfy myself here.

msSlinkySilks: I’m only as good as my next product.

msSlinkySilks: I would like to have a better focus product line for Halloween and Talk-like-a-Pirate-Day

FeliciaDivine: oh cool

FeliciaDivine: what do you think of people like DarkIdeas who makes bdsm item meshes or someone who does animations for poses? I know you try to make new fresh and more realistic moving poses

msSlinkySilks: as far as my “career” goes. That’s so iffy. The economic downturn that started year after I started IMVU, is still going on. I’m still watching the 3d industry for my place in it

msSlinkySilks: DarkIdeas makes good stuffs. If you like them.. buy them.

msSlinkySilks: Yeah, i’m trying to stay fresh, but I cannot spend all day looking through the catalog for things “what hasnt been done, so i’ll do it.”

FeliciaDivine: from what i see you are a central figure on imvu, im surprised your still waiting for your place…you sound just like James Cameron…i had to wait 20 years for cgi to catch up to my vision to make “Avatar”.

msSlinkySilks: ha ha .. or George Lucas investing in the technology, to get to way of making the Prequel episodes 1-3

FeliciaDivine: lol, true

msSlinkySilks: ooooh that “waiting for my place” … something my family likes to say “when you gonna get a real job” .. ie.. get a job in game company or movie industry

FeliciaDivine: funny thing about that…i loved the 70’s, 80’s movies better than the modern ones

msSlinkySilks: yeah

msSlinkySilks: it’s about Quality, Fel

msSlinkySilks: it’s about Innovation over Copycat parasitism

FeliciaDivine: the old movies were more character driven with special effects as an enhancement…today its all FX

msSlinkySilks: yeah

msSlinkySilks: with formulaic plot lines

FeliciaDivine: yes

FeliciaDivine: lol, your family say’s you need a real job?

msSlinkySilks: of course!  and a husband, too.

FeliciaDivine: well anything that gives you enough cash to support yourself is a real job…even a self employed cgi expert

msSlinkySilks: i’m the third child of three.. i have a very rebellious, unconventional spirit. I watched my older brothers do stuff, and i would think “i’m not gonna do that.. i want my own way”

msSlinkySilks: teehee.. my expertise isnt getting stressed with IMVU. I only need about 10% of what 3dsMax CAN do , to make imvu products

FeliciaDivine: all the women in our family are head strong

FeliciaDivine: i know you dont want to have a lot of competition…but do you have any advice for the aspiring animator?

msSlinkySilks: sure. Study animation… and study motion.

msSlinkySilks: libraries have books.. the internet has books

FeliciaDivine: do your homework, learn learn learn?

msSlinkySilks: hmm.. maybe not that simplistic… but yes… Learn Learn Learn

msSlinkySilks: expand thyself. There is NO box for “thinking outside the box”… there is no spoon, Neo

msSlinkySilks: follow the honest passions. If animation is that passion, learn about it.

FeliciaDivine: do you recommend people hire a professional such as yourself and if so what kind of information do you need…i know details are important

msSlinkySilks: example… i watched “Frozen” recently. But I get an extra joy out of it. I grab my controller and scrub-back-n-forth on an animation sequence and see how it worked

FeliciaDivine: im not very technical…you and Jak were talking about cycling sequences the other day (flew right over my head)…so for animations, i know you talk at length about an idea…but what do you look for…just so anyone who reads this and approaches you knows what to expect

msSlinkySilks: Hmmm.. on hiring out. Once you involve others into the process, you have to take in account you are inviting in another creative mind. Your vision might change… it could grow BIGGER, or the other isnt ready for what you need done.

msSlinkySilks: …or the worse, you arent ready for your OWN vision.. yet

msSlinkySilks: now.. my career? it’s production driven.

msSlinkySilks: “can you do it?” “can you do it, with this deadline” , etc etc etc

msSlinkySilks: so hire a person as serious and as passionate, if not more, than yourself

msSlinkySilks: back to your Jak and Me example

msSlinkySilks: When someone wants a commission work from me, like that?

msSlinkySilks: lets just establish some pronouns… “you” come to me, with an idea. I’m gonna ask myself “how much of this idea is gonna be hers, or mine, or a mixture…. are they looking for quality stuffs? are they looking at me as a worker drone they can exploit?”

msSlinkySilks: i used to draw… ALOT, in the 1990’s. And that was my first exposure to “commission work of creative themes”. The moooooooooore you describe the idea, the more I can hold to THAT vision of the idea. If lacking information, i’m gonna run with it on my own ideas and perspectives and values, to complete the item.

msSlinkySilks: If i start with a vaccous mind, there will be fights at the end. “But i didnt want THAT.. i wanted it like This and That…” and that’s when i start to grind my teeth

FeliciaDivine: one thing i found odd about you, if a mesher or designer contracts to do a job they charge a fee…i dont know if your being really charitable with Mel and i but…why dont you charge…if you do charge can you guestimate how much average, say for a animation such as The Pony Ride?

msSlinkySilks: I charge… at Delivery

FeliciaDivine: i charge in advance

FeliciaDivine: but im just a texturer

msSlinkySilks: i’m NOT gonna take a deposit, and fail to meet the standards, and keep the deposit. I know my own creative limitations, so I dont take an up-front fee.

FeliciaDivine: i always deliver but i dont give a time frame, they want it in days when it might take a week or two

msSlinkySilks: right

msSlinkySilks: i cant even say when i’d get to it, either

FeliciaDivine: thats very true and having people constantly asking about it is irritating

msSlinkySilks: i USED to reorganize my To-Do-List by the price tag of the item. Not anymore

msSlinkySilks: “gods, it’s 1st on the list, but I dont wanna work on XYZ.. i hate that stuffs… GRRRRR”

FeliciaDivine: 🙂

msSlinkySilks: Lemme give an example. Someone asked me for a loooooooong sequence (animation). One avatar doing this to another. Yeah, they threw me a deposit. I thought the idea was Innovative, and New, and Not on IMVU. Kewl Great

msSlinkySilks: …the next morning I woke up and had a moral argument with myself. “i HATE that stuffs… i find it distusting.. this isnt my values”. I returned the deposit and quit the project

msSlinkySilks: now.. imagine the cats looking at me “but Vicky.. it’s MONEY.. we wants more NOMZ” yeah well i have to listen to my personal integrity. I could make an animation i’m apathetic about, but not about something morally revolting to my values.

FeliciaDivine: I know im limited and finding time is not easy with the fashion group and contests im involved with…i know what i want to see on IMVU, i have great ideas, i know exactly what but i leave freedom for others to improve the idea…JakMesh is the better mesher and you do great animations…im glad you both take time to talk to me

msSlinkySilks: teehee

FeliciaDivine: i dont care for credit, i just want my rooms and others to be better

msSlinkySilks: Jak is MUCH faster, and yeah, he taught me things about making meshes for IMVU, that is way different from game industry standards that I use. He wins the arguement of “but Vicky…” and therefore I sent you to him.

FeliciaDivine: and you i have seen always seek to do better animations, you are an inspiration, always learning, growing and getting better

msSlinkySilks: yeah, well that growing also slows me down tooooooooo in relation to the To-Do-List

FeliciaDivine: lol

msSlinkySilks: “oh.. OH.. new idea,.. it’s cool, i want it.. i want it NOW” and i sideline my whole pipeline of products for such an impulse

FeliciaDivine: LordDarcwill (Ric) and JakMesh have always been like mentors to me

msSlinkySilks: Leaving your folks some freedom.. that’s great, Fel .. but when it’s YOUR idea and vision, you gotta work and guide those who you work with. You cannot just pass it down or to side of the pipeline

msSlinkySilks: i equate that to being a movie’s Director

msSlinkySilks: like Peter Jackson with Lord of the Rings.. in absense of direction, the Weta Workshop would have prefered a totally different movie production. (like MORE LEAD TIME ON DEADLINES… help you killing us, Pete ) or like Gollum might have looked more like the old Rankin & Bass cartoon then what he was


FeliciaDivine: well my project can be done anytime, as for freedom, i can tell you what poses but if your doing it and see a better idea that works…i have no problem with it…when i do a project i try several things, why…because im always surprised…what should work doesnt half the time and the thing i thought would not work…for some reason does

FeliciaDivine: omg, yes if you watch outtakes from movies you see why some things are removed…and another thing is actors selection…Kurt Russel, not Harrison Ford was supposed to play Han Solo

FeliciaDivine: Harrison Ford was not even supposed to be offered the part

FeliciaDivine: my motto – try everything

msSlinkySilks: you wanna know what i think Animation (career) is? it’s Storytelling

msSlinkySilks: I’m an animatrix .. i have a large mirror to act out moves (so i’m part mime actress), i have to plot out my work times (part producer/director), and part technician to get the software working right for optimized work.  All this forms the Story of “pose spot”

FeliciaDivine: You are amazing 🙂

msSlinkySilks: so when you ask me.. “vicky.. i want an XYZ” .. i want the Story and i want it shot-by-shot or story beat by beat.

FeliciaDivine: yes you have said that to me several times

msSlinkySilks: if you knew how to sketch and make storyboards, i’d be begging for those

msSlinkySilks: …so.. i’m also a storyboard artist for those who dont know how

FeliciaDivine: i would hate to be working for you if you were a hollywood producer/director…i would probably be the gopher (go-pher coffee, go-pher pizza, go-pher lightbulbs)

msSlinkySilks: you should see Assitant Directors… they go-fer herders

FeliciaDivine: lol

msSlinkySilks: oh that’s advise for people.. watch “behind the scenes” of favorite moves… there are lessons in those

msSlinkySilks: i actually shouted at an instructor at college, in a film class, who did not know there were Behind the Scenes for The Matrix dvd.  I was telling HER what the co-directors said about making the films shots

FeliciaDivine: oh oh teacher didnt do her homework

msSlinkySilks: no.. she did WORSE than not doing homework.  She was graduate of prestig film school (( pretty prestigious in 1980’s,)) but she didnt show us her works until i demanded it

FeliciaDivine: ummm i remember from a Vin Diesel interview he went to an acting school, he said he looked around and noticed none of the instructors or graduates had actual work references…he then found out where Tom Cruise was going to be and had lunch with him, he asked Tom for advice…they chatted and Tom gave him advice…Vin shortly after that did Boiler Room and PitchBlack

FeliciaDivine: Vin was already pushing 40 yrs of age

FeliciaDivine: another late bloomer 🙂

msSlinkySilks: Vin is smart guy

msSlinkySilks: here’s a funny sidebar… That film class .. with instructor i just mentioned. the textbook was “Rebel without a Crew” by Rob Rodriguez.. about making films on the fly


msSlinkySilks: El Mariachi, Desperado, From Dusk Till Dawn…

msSlinkySilks: in the BACK of the book, he gave advice. “dont bother paying for film school. Buy a camera and FILM STUFF… film edit, practice the craft”  The irony was that awful teacher didnt know that part of the “textbook”.  An Established director, doing it independantly, telling me i was wasting my money on a class.

msSlinkySilks: that’s advice to Creative People who might be reading this.. there will be people who are obstacles…people who fear you will do better than them

msSlinkySilks: am i scared at the fast moving motion capture technology? sure … it’s something i cannot keep up to, in the technicals and the capital investment.

FeliciaDivine: mmm to paraphrase Krys and Kat…march to your own drum?

msSlinkySilks: yeps

msSlinkySilks: march on

msSlinkySilks: march.. and dont forget to include yourself in your works

msSlinkySilks: sure, prolly start out making things for other people.. but “you” are in the process

FeliciaDivine: i find if your hearts not in it the project suffers…that goes also back to your comment about morals…if it feels wrong…dont do it…yes…im paraphrasing again

msSlinkySilks: yes yes

msSlinkySilks: as far as “education” , anyone can research and self-teach

FeliciaDivine: yes i found all the major designers and meshers teach themselves but always do see advice as well from others…ShadowsTealSong and Geo to mention two

msSlinkySilks: nod nod

msSlinkySilks: gez.. i only started talking with Geo with the last year. 🙂

FeliciaDivine: i would like to ask a couple of more questions before we go…

msSlinkySilks: yes yes

FeliciaDivine: who do you like here on IMVU, now is a good time to give a Shout-Out to your friends 🙂

msSlinkySilks: my Creator Fans, or fans in general?

FeliciaDivine: anyone and everyone

msSlinkySilks: <facepalm>.lets see.. everyone we’ve named in this interview, of course. 🙂

FeliciaDivine: lol, you can quote DRlZZT…Buy My Shit!

msSlinkySilks: gods, i hate these.. someone always gets butt-hurt for being left out 🙁

msSlinkySilks: MsPixelicious, SecondHarvest, Whsytler, Keef for sharing tips and tricks for early days of developing.  Of course Kiltar, VioletKrumble, Morbisastrange, and CatnDawg,  Karenferndale.  and Geo, Drizzt…LadyMelissa for encouragement and primary information into BDSM realms.

FeliciaDivine: well we are your friends and will understand…you cant spend all day naming them

msSlinkySilks: buy ALL our stuffs!

msSlinkySilks: teehee

FeliciaDivine: giggles

msSlinkySilks: support your favority Reseller of Credits. I prefer DevCredits.. but ALL OF THEM together means that creators can make New Stuffs

FeliciaDivine: (facepalms) forgot my other question

msSlinkySilks: … keep us out of WalMart jobs, PLEASE

FeliciaDivine: oh yes…how important is devcredits to all of you?  i constantly hear that devcredits helps you get your products out.  And for me getting cheap credits fast is a real help, especially since i support contests on imvu.

msSlinkySilks: DevCredits is BIG importance. If i couldnt have converted credits into real money, I could have never turned it into an income. And if I couldnt have, i wouldnt have stayed on IMVU more than a few months

msSlinkySilks: all the resellers do that

FeliciaDivine: i only use pre-paid imvu cards and

msSlinkySilks: but DevCredits are my personal choice…. for all my years on IMVU, but for a few selected months (they didnt exist when i first started) That’s an economic thing that IMVU doesnt tell it’s users. They license, but dont advertise for the Resellers.

msSlinkySilks: IMVU has never paid me a penny to create content

FeliciaDivine: well i worked in the IMVU Welcome Room and we did let people know about the registered resellers list

msSlinkySilks: how long were you allowed to do that, before you were told to stop?

FeliciaDivine: we were not allowed to voice a specific group but we did advertise the list, still can, i dont go to the welcome room anymore im too busy and people hunt me down to ask questions anyways rather than go to the room.

FeliciaDivine: well i see a couple of people Pulse it but thats about it

msSlinkySilks: yeah.. and Shout-outs are SO TINY, that they barely draw attention, right?

FeliciaDivine: yes i ignore shout-outs, its normally someone saying buy buy buy

msSlinkySilks: remember when IMVU offered to creators, a chance to buy advertisement space on website popups to customers?

msSlinkySilks: $50 per day

FeliciaDivine: i vaguely remember that, i ignored it, makes no sense considering what people make in sales

msSlinkySilks: i choked “yeah, and they prolly giving the devs a discount than what they charge corporations to advertise on imvu inc. site”

msSlinkySilks: any other good questions?

msSlinkySilks: i know i soft-peddled the BDSM one … ALOT

msSlinkySilks: but.. lemme add this into BDSM topic. They are pretty fun to make, most of the time. The Lifestyle has stories to tell, thus make animations and meshes for.  Personally, i’m a big time amateur in the BDSM lifestyle knowledge. Sometimes i loose my eyebrows about specific things… cause my eyes POP open and my eyebrows disappear into my hair

FeliciaDivine: do you like realism here or do you think…we can do anything…and let your tastes go where you normally wouldnt?

msSlinkySilks: oh good question.  Yes, i like realism in my works. The greater touch of realism, the more it helps engage us users in the room/scene/community.  It’s called “immersion” in game design. …and yes, we can broaden our imaginations in ways we can NOT in The Real World

FeliciaDivine: 🙂

msSlinkySilks: i’m not roleplaying “MsSlinkySilks” as a base avatar.. i start with what is mostly Me… and work from there, in personality, ideals, values, and goals

msSlinkySilks: now.. others do other things. The avi can be a totally made up roleplaying entity.

msSlinkySilks: i’ve known some good men, who’ve worked out transgender issues, thru to completiong of their sex change operation

msSlinkySilks: ofc.. there are players and frauders too

msSlinkySilks: yeah… so realism vs. fantasy

msSlinkySilks: how much bondage play have i done IRL? like nearly zero

msSlinkySilks: i’ve created alot of IMVU bdsm play items.  Not as many as others have, but i’m satisfied with what I have so far.

msSlinkySilks: I love Mel .. and she feels I had changed (to broaden) what was possible with IMVU.  But her insight helped me, too.

FeliciaDivine: the squiggler and heart chair are my favs

msSlinkySilks: oh my old old slogan was “Unlock your Avatar”

FeliciaDivine: yes that is a great slogan

msSlinkySilks: i kind abandoned the slogan when motion capture studios from Second Life branched into IMVU.  I was on a year off, and missed their entrance

FeliciaDivine: well your slogan very much applies to IMVU today

msSlinkySilks: yeah, i’m trying to return to that

msSlinkySilks: i dont make “poses” .. i make motion

msSlinkySilks: poses are easy .. it’s 1 frame.  I made a vow to myself to make “animations”.  Sure I could have spammed out many “pose” products.  But I didnt think it was fun, and I would have felt the cheap sell-out of my own talents.

FeliciaDivine: people on second life enjoy walking and long animations…i find them boring…but adding short animated sequences here on IMVU makes the experience more worthwhile

msSlinkySilks: nods

FeliciaDivine: we dont want to just sit…what you do is important

msSlinkySilks: well SecondLife is more of a game engine… walking around freely and flying.

msSlinkySilks: so “walking” works for people, who used to such things

FeliciaDivine: we have been here awhile…is there something on your mind you would like to share…even a funny story…with as many people as you know im sure one sticks out in your mind?

msSlinkySilks: only goofiness of the “node base” imvu … is for us creators .. teehee

msSlinkySilks: oh i just had a thought, that prolly better as an essay

msSlinkySilks: “What does word “dev” mean” ?

msSlinkySilks: there are history and background, the whole evolving story why people say they “dev”

mSlinkySilks: it’s a term i find misleading, too

FeliciaDivine: dev when i hear it means developer and refers to someone who creates…usually refering to a texturer

FeliciaDivine: and your right it is misleading

msSlinkySilks: DevCredits used to be “DeveloperCredits”

msSlinkySilks: they shortened it to kinda move with the trend, but see how it’s made DevCredits seem odd? and away from their initial goals?

msSlinkySilks: it’s like saying KFC , instead of saying Kentucky Friend Chicken

FeliciaDivine: its laziness though, easier to say “dev” than designer, creator, texturer or mesher

msSlinkySilks: right

FeliciaDivine: exactly

msSlinkySilks: that’s why i think it’s worth an essay

msSlinkySilks: funny story? only short one. I’m kinda a BDSM standup comic. It’s a great realm for situation comedy and improv.

msSlinkySilks: “A man walks into a bar” <thunk> “Ouch.. i didnt even know i was collared” Ba-dump bump <end>

Editor’s Note: This was the longest interview i have ever done…each of the past interviews were one hour each…this one ran more than 3 hours and i am looking forward to a second interview which we will do in August and you can view it Sept. 1st, i hope you all learned a few things and enjoyed this session 🙂

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